Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The three week program that I recently completed is unfortunately named the Beach Body Ultimate Reset. I guess they felt they needed a little glitz to promote themselves. Many of us will not be at the beach to show off our new looking body but I guess that's advertising for you. What I do no is that the program works - and that is all I need to know. If you click on the name you will be directed to the site you can order your plan from. Mindy, the wife of my work colleague - the  ones that turned me on to the plan after watching their results after a couple of weeks on the program - is an agent for the plan and so will get a financial reward if you order it through this link. She will also 'coach' you and arrange for you to be part of the Facebook discussion groups and forums so you can get questions answered by others who are immersed in their own program. Everyone has the same ultimate goal but the plan effects each of us in a slightly different fashion.

The program implores "reclaim, release and restore". It is basically taking your body back to factory specs and starting over. I figured for three weeks I can do anything so when they suggest you start cutting back on caffeine and alcohol a week or so in advance I cut out my morning cup or two of java and finished off the last of the bottle of two buck Chuck. I ordered the product and waited impatiently fr about a week, reading up on the materials my friends provided me on what to expect. I'm used to taking vitamins and supplements from the steady stream that my mother had us on as kids of molasses, brewer's yeast and cod liver oil to the variety of vitamins and cleanses I've have succumbed to over the years. This program has you taking a variety of supplements that include a revitalize, alkalinize, detox, mineralize, optimize and a soothe formulas in a proprietary blend that are all designed to go along with the foods they require you eat. No vigorous exercise is required, just a couple of short walks a day perhaps a little stretching, or gentle yoga if you prefer, as they get you in touch with your inner chi. Physical changes promote inner or spiritual changes and a new diet  regime and plan can be emotional.

Once I got on to the food I found myself drinking about a gallon and a half of water a day, so there where many trips to the bathroom. I found myself introduced to a basically vegetarian style diet with many foods that one might consider bland, like garbanzo beans or pinto beans, jazzed up with spices such as turmeric, cumin, paprika or coriander. I stir-fried in coconut oil and tried tempeh (soy food products) that was edible! In all honesty out of the variety of meals I prepared over the three weeks only a handful where meals that I would use on a regular basis but again I can do anything for three weeks, especially when I have forked over good money to be involved in the plan. I rarely cook as I normally get no joy from the preperation of food, just the consumption of it, but I really got involved with the chopping of all the wonderful variety of vegetables and fruits I was to consume.

I was very faithful, even preparing a meal and taking it with me to a dinner party the wife and I where invited to. I did not partake of the many cakes, pies and candy traps all around the office and after the first three weeks was able to record a thirteen pound loss. I had gone into it saying ten pounds down would be a good start so I was happy. I also lost four inches around the circumference of my belly and two inches from the waist and was fitting into clothes not worn for a couple of years. Very exciting. After day twenty one I was a little confused. What should I eat now? I had been following a dictated plan for the last three weeks. It was recommended not to just go eat regular food but to gradually phase them back into my regular diet so I chose to do the same diet in reverse, albeit without the supplements, and within the next week lost an additional five pounds.

I will be sharing with you the recipes I preferred and recommend from the program as well as loads of great tasting foods for your recipe folder as I continue my quest for an additional fifteen pounds down. I plan on losing a total of thirty pounds by years end. Eat a long with me and stay fit and trim yourself.

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